How do I add variants to my Shopify store?

Making New Variants Creates New SKUs

If you've just added new sizes or colors to a product already synced to your Shopify store, you'll need to manually add the new variants to your products on Shopify. 
Make doubly sure that you're using the exact Through6 SKU for the product so that you don't experience any issues with orders connecting to the right products.

Add variants to an existing product


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > All products.
  2. Click the name of the product.
  3. In the Variants section, click Add variant.
  4. Enter the variant information in the fields. If you enter a new option value in the Options section, then it will be created as an option value for that product.
  5. Click Save.
You'll know a product in your Through6 Portal is synced to Shopify by viewing the List View on your My Products page and seeing the Shopify logo by synced products:
If you are in Grid View and want to switch List View, click on the icon next to the search bar to toggle between the two.

Between the Creation Date and Product Options, you'll see the Shopify icon for synced products.

For additional information on considerations and options for adding variants to your Shopify store, please see Shopify documentation.
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